[Ed. note: This is a review-in-progress based on nearly 1 hour of game play from the online release of the Standard Edition on the PS4. The Irrelevant did not receive a press edition early release code.]

Destiny 2 has received more hype than most games have in the last three years combined, as such I won't go into much preamble about WHAT the game is and just dive straight into the game itself.

First of all, the graphics are great. You can really tell there's been a lot of work put into the color rendering engine as the whites look soft and futuristic the likes of which we only wished were possible on the previous release. The motion graphics of the loading wheel in particular are crisp and there was no noticeable sign that the game was running at 30 fps. Rest easy, and know that the motion is crisp and perfect.

The sound design of the game is great too. The soundtrack shines and perfectly highlights the moment of stasis encountered in the first hour of this game. The sound of the button presses as well sounds exceptionally well on a Dolby certified sound set up and there's no channel left unused, bravo Bungie.

The game play differences between the first game and the second could be controversial but I'd urge you, reader, not to be quick to judge. The inclusion of quick time events like accepting the terms and conditions in the middle of the waiting period is I think a bold new direction that will definitely influence more developers for years to come.

Overall I'd say Destiny 2 is a winner. Even after only 1 hour at midnight on a Tuesday night I can tell that this game was lovingly crafted and will be an undisputed Game of The Year.