A Convenience Store story

When we were growing up we didn’t have a washer and dryer at home and would have to go to the Laundromat every week or two weeks to wash. “Las Lavasolas” as they were called. They were a green building with a smiling sun logo painted on the side.…

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How Good is LeBron James?

The Eastern Conference Finals of the NBA are about to start next week and once again, for the 8th year in a row, they will feature a team led by LeBron James. This stretch of dominance is unlike any that has been seen before in the sport. In fact it’…

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The Good Villain

The following contains spoilers and if you haven't seen it you shouldn't read this. Don't act like I didn't warn you. The best thing about Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther is its villain. Even using the word “villain” to describe Erik Killmonger is doing a disservice to the character. Erik…

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