The 5 Best Kumbia Kings Songs

Revisiting the Latino Music pioneers that combined Latin music rhythms with Hip Hop and R&B years before these ruled the top of the international pop charts I don't think there's a Latino person out there who doesn't like the Kumbia Kings. If they don't admit it, they're just…

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An Ode To The Simple Burger

A Hamburger is a beautiful simple thing. When one thinks of “American Food” a burger has to be the first thing that pops into the mind. They’re ubiquitous and almost everyone has an opinion about what they’re favorite burger is. I have the great fortune of living in…

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McDonald's Exceptionalism

McDonald’s has always had a special place in my heart. Even now as an adult when I know there’s better food out there both in taste and in health merits but something about McDonald’s keeps bring me back. The reason for this has always been greater than…

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