It doesn’t matter whether you loved or hated *The Last Jedi* there is one irrefutable truth that makes itself aware in this movie and that is the fact that BB-8 is the most powerful and influential being in The Resistance.…
Rod Nunez
I was born by the river.
Thor: Ragnarok is Disney Trying To Get Ahead of Superhero Fatigue
Thor: Ragnarok would be much better if it wasn’t a Thor movie. It’s not that I don’t like Chris Hemsworth or Tom Hiddleston but I just keep thinking how much better the movie would be if it was Chris Hemsworth as some sort of uber strong spaceman,…
Boris Sent Me: What Exactly Happens in 'Monster Mash'?
There's no debate 'Monster Mash' is the best Halloween song. I'd go so far as to say it's one of the best Holiday songs period. It's definitely better than 'The Christmas Shoes'. Released in 1962 Bobby Pickett's classic tells us a fantastic tale that includes scientific discovery, a massive house…
Dawn Of The Post Binge Panel
Stranger Things 2 came out Friday October 27th 2017 and I consumed it with the ferocity with which Homer Simpson attacks an all you can eat buffet. By Saturday morning as I hit play on the 9th and final episode a feeling of bitter sweetness came over me and It’…
The Irrelevant's Things We're Into This Week (October 27,2017)
Every week the contributors to The Irrelevant will share the one thing we've been into this week. It can be a movie, a book, a song, an album, some youtube video, a random meme, or twitter user, anything that's been taking up more space in our mind than it should.…
The Miracle of Blade Runner 2049
Before I even start this, Don't read it if you haven't watched the movie. There's all the spoilers. Every single one. Blade Runner 2049 is a really good movie, it’s visually striking, it’s impeccably acted and directed, the world in which it takes place is fascinating, the sounds…
The Irrelevant's Things We're Into This Week (October 13,2017)
Every week the contributors to The Irrelevant will share the one thing we've been into this week. It can be a movie, a book, a song, an album, some youtube video, a random meme, or twitter user, anything that's been taking up more space in our mind than it should.…
The Irrelevant's Things We're Into This Week (October 6,2017)
Every week the contributors to The Irrelevant will share the one thing we've been into this week. It can be a movie, a book, a song, an album, some youtube video, a random meme, or twitter user, anything that's been taking up more space in our mind than it should.…
The 5 Best Kumbia Kings Songs
Revisiting the Latino Music pioneers that combined Latin music rhythms with Hip Hop and R&B years before these ruled the top of the international pop charts I don't think there's a Latino person out there who doesn't like the Kumbia Kings. If they don't admit it, they're just…
The New Camry Has To Be Exciting
I hate the new Camry ads. The notion that a Camry could be the most exciting car a person has ever driven and that they LOVE to drive it just bugs the hell out of me. Listen, a Camry as a car is fine the ad is what annoys me…
The Irrelevant's Destiny 2 Review-In-Progress
[Ed. note: This is a review-in-progress based on nearly 1 hour of game play from the online release of the Standard Edition on the PS4. The Irrelevant did not receive a press edition early release code.] Destiny 2 has received more hype than most games have in the last three…
An Ode To The Simple Burger
A Hamburger is a beautiful simple thing. When one thinks of “American Food” a burger has to be the first thing that pops into the mind. They’re ubiquitous and almost everyone has an opinion about what they’re favorite burger is. I have the great fortune of living in…
The Best 6 Hours You Can Spend Attached to Your Phone
The way I see it there’s two big categories of podcasts. There’s the first one which is one person or a group of people will talk amongst themselves with largely unprepared material and you as the listener get to feel like you’re sitting in on a conversation.…
McDonald's Exceptionalism
McDonald’s has always had a special place in my heart. Even now as an adult when I know there’s better food out there both in taste and in health merits but something about McDonald’s keeps bring me back. The reason for this has always been greater than…